Female Athlete

Some common female athlete related symptoms are bladder leakage (stress incontinence) with running, jumping or lifting, pelvic pressure or heaviness (pelvic organ prolapse), sports hernia, back, hip, pelvic pain with sport.

  • Stress incontinence or urine leakage with running, jumping or lifting

  • Pelvic pressure, fullness, heaviness, or feelings something falling out or pelvic organ prolapse

  • Back, pelvic, hip pain

  • Hamstring, hip flexor, or groins strains

  • Hernia or sports hernia

  • Diastasis recti or abdominal concerns

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Fitness Programming

We offer individualized fitness programming with your specific condition in mind.

This is a 30 minute call to discuss your fitness program goals and for your therapist to get to know you before designing your custom program.