Orthopedic Care

Misama takes a unique approach to treatment of musculoskeletal related pain. They understand each joint and muscle group is vastly intertwined with the whole body. Whether you have back, hip, or neck pain, glute pain, labral tears, sciatica, hamstring strain or groin strains, they understand how to properly load the body and help you manage the pain for good.

  • Back, pelvic, hip pain

  • Sciatica or glute pain

  • Disc herniations

  • Labral tear or femoral acetabular impingement

  • Hamstring, hip flexor, or groin strains

  • Hernias or sports hernias

  • strength training/fitness programming

Have a Question?

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are happy to help!

Fitness Programming

We offer individualized fitness programming with your specific condition in mind.

This is a 30 minute call to discuss your fitness program goals and for your therapist to get to know you before designing your custom program.